Survey Says: Top Anime Multi-Series Character Selector ^-^ results, Anime Survey
The top 25 Anime Multi-Series Character Selector ^-^ results of 87 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Anime Multi-Series Character Selector ^-^.      

#1 23.0%
Aeka (Tenchi Series)
#2 19.5%
Rei (Evangelion)
#3 9.2%
Ashitaka (Inu Yasha)
#4 9.2%
Chihiro (San)(Spirited Away)
#5 5.7%
Kieyone (Tenchi Series)
#6 4.6%
Excel (Excel Saga)
#7 4.6%
Gourry (Slayers)
#8 3.4%
Shasamaru (Inu Yasha)
#9 2.3%
Amelia (Slayers)
#10 2.3%
Brad (Zoids)
#11 2.3%
Folken (Escaflwone)
#12 2.3%
Goku (Dragon Ball Z)
#13 2.3%
Lina (Slayers)
#14 2.3%
Zelgadis (Slayers)
#15 1.1%
D (Vampire Hunter D)
#16 1.1%
Haku (Spirited Away)
#17 1.1%
Inu Yahsa (Inu Yasha)
#18 1.1%
Irvine (Zoids, Choatic Century)
#19 1.1%
Lord Illpalazzo (Excel Saga)
#20 1.1%
Tenchi (Tenchi Series)
#21 0.0%
Lin (Spirited Away)
#22 0.0%
Mihoshi (Tenchi Series)
#23 0.0%
Ryoko (Tenchi Series)
#24 0.0%
San (Princess Mononoke)
#25 0.0%
Xelloss (Slayers)

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