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Final Fantasy selectors, pages, etc.
Is the Republican Party Despicable?
By Ponderer
April 3, 2024 8:06 pm
Category: Final Fantasy

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Yes. Quite simply, yes it is.

There really is no logical, rational, honest way to argue that they aren't. The entire Republican Party. Whole kit and matching kaboodle.

They are fully supporting an unimaginably despicable man as their presidential candidate, seemingly without the slightest conscious thought of there being anything wrong with that. The Republican Party's voters are in the majority in choosing him as their party's presidential candidate in nearly every single state primary so far. These voters will, by all objective observation, excuse him any despicable thing he has ever done, is doing, or ever does. It is simply what we have watched and fully witnessed them doing. These are despicable actions.

How could it be accurately and honesty said that this doesn't make them despicably despicable in their despicable complicity with their despicable leader's despicableness?

Their Chosen Despicable One calling fellow human beings in the most dire straights of their tragic lives "animals" barely gets the needle moving on their Despicable Meter...

Stoking racist outrage and hatred toward fellow human beings over the most vile and despicable lies about them...

Inciting his most violent followers with promises of "bloodbaths" to emerge if he isn't elected apparently isn't despicable to these despicable people.

Lying his fuckingass off to any terrified level of desperation he is cornered into lying certainly isn't "despicable" to them. They love his despicable lies even knowing that they are lies.

Stealing top secret documents and trying to hide them when asked over and over for them back may be a lot of terrible things, but I guess despicable isn't one of them.

Being an indicted felon for a cacophony of crimes who has yet to be tried only because his cronies already partially infect our Justice system and he's playing it all for time is just the actions of an innocent man to them. Nothing despicable there.

Raping women, libeling innocent people, stealing from various charities, genuflecting to every tyrannical dictator he encounters, egging on the hanging of his vice president, and a violent overthrow of the Constitution, our Justice system, and very democratic form of government that has stood into its third century... Unfathomably, none of it rises to the level of despicable for them.

Nothing he does is despicable to Republicans because admitting his despicableness is also admitting to their despicable own despicableness for facilitating, condoning, empowering, supporting, defending, and ignoring his despicableness.

But he is quite despicable to rational, patriotic American citizens. Rest assured: The entire Republican Party has become entirely despicable. There really is no two ways about it.

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Comments on "Is the Republican Party Despicable?":

  1. by Curt_Anderson on April 3, 2024 8:45 pm

    "If you have illegal aliens invading your home, we will deport you" ---Donald Trump

    Aside from the fact that Trump screwed up what he intended to say (see video), it's the worst sort of xenophobic fearmongering. The world is a terrifying place if you are Republican. Trump and and the RNC know their voters well. There is always something to frighten them.

    More Trump idiocy...

    If reelected, Trump told his supporters in Green Bay, “We’re going to end up with the largest deportation in America.”

    “I’m here to declare Biden’s border bloodbath ... ends the day I take office. I will end the carnage,” he said, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

    Elsewhere during the rally, Trump falsely told supporters that “it came out that we won this state” during the 2020 presidential election. President Joe Biden won Wisconsin in 2020; Trump won in 2016.

    He also seemed to forget who was president in 2021, telling the crowd, “Three years ago, we were a great nation,” and complained about having to pay bond while appealing civil judgments against him, saying, “If you kill somebody, there’s no bond.”
    View Video

  2. by HatetheSwamp on April 4, 2024 3:02 am

    The Swamp provides a good cop and a bad cop and let's the gullible decide which is which.

    The bird's the word. See link.

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  3. by oldedude on April 4, 2024 3:18 am
    This could easily happen to "slum lord" curt's properties, or to pondy's house they're trying to get in to. But that's okay, because they're not xenophobic assholes and will just give the squatters the property.

    TikTokker tells illegal immigrants how to ‘invade’ American homes and invoke squatter’s rights
    migrant TikToker with a 500,000-strong online following is offering his comrades tips on how to “invade” unoccupied homes and invoke squatter’s rights in the United States.

    Venezuelan national Leonel Moreno, who appears to live in a suburb of Columbus, Ohio, said in a recent video that under US law, “if a house is not inhabited, we can seize it.”

    Rise in homeowners vs. squatters incidents prompts action from lawmakers

    6 migrant squatters released without bail after NYC gun, drug arrests
    THE BRONX - Eight migrants found squatting last week inside a Bronx apartment were arrested on gun and drug charges, but six of them were subsequently released without bail.

    According to the NYPD, the alleged squatters were busted last Wednesday just after 10 p.m. after police received a call about a person with a gun at the Hull Avenue home in Norwood.
    View Video

  4. by Ponderer on April 4, 2024 8:16 am

    Thanks, Curt. Trump is not only a flailingly desperate and despicable liar. He's also an extremely sloppy one at that. But it doesn't matter to his throng. They mindlessly and despicably lap up his every lie, no matter how provably wrong, asinine, absurd, or despicable of a lie it is that he dumps down their ravenously gaping maws.

    Even though our resident Trump Party members have avoided and are yet to address the actual topic of this thread, I have actually gained a tiny bit of respect for them for at least not even trying to deny that they belong to an utterly despicable political party and are full fledged despicable members of that despicable party.

    I mean how could they? I'm actually a little shocked that Hate wasn't stupid enough to try it.

    I know what they said in this thread so far was stupid obfuscation, but it does appear that they actually realize deep down just how despicable they are for facilitating the downfall of this country that Trump has already promised to bring about.

    But I suppose that it's a bit much to expect them to logically justify their choice to descend to the depths of being as despicable as they are. I mean, how could they?

    I've been of the opinion that being a Trump Party Republican is the result of some sort mental dysfunction for some time now. The party certainly at least excels at attracting sociopathic, deranged and bigoted morons like flies on fresh dogshit.

    So I suppose that the real question we should be contemplating is, does being a member of the Trump Party make a person stupid and despicable? Or were Trump Party members already stupid and despicable to begin with before they glomed onto Trump and his party?

  5. by oldedude on April 4, 2024 9:38 am
    This shows how despicable and stupid the limousine liberals are. mx curt spoke how trumpster is a xenophobic asshole. okay. Here are references that says that you're the ones with your head in your arses.

    I would laugh if mx curt came home and found squatters in his house and he couldn't get rid of them. But if he did, he'd prove trumpster right. And I'm not sure he wouldn't rather lose his house and property. So there's that.

    I also noticed mx curt picks on things a kindergartener could, but nothing of any worth. Which is typical of the limousine liberals with cranial/rectal inversion. You, as usual, CAN'T find any facts to support you, which is a little disconcerting since you "claim" you have facts and cannot ever produce any.

    Neither Lead or I like trumpster. Especially when he gets on his pulpit. But for all the stuff I don't like trumpster for. I look at pedojoe.

    Even the dims are calling pedojoe "worse than trumpster"[RFK Jr. Says Biden Is "Much Worse" Threat To Democracy Than Trump: Weaponization, Censorship]. You might be wanting to expand your thin line of "knowledge🤣."

  6. by Ponderer on April 4, 2024 9:56 am

    od, nothing you are saying in any way contradicts the fact that you are despicable for supporting and defending a totally despicable candidate without a single, solitary redeemable feature to his entire being.

    I'm talking about the willful, intentional, and literal destruction of this country by despicable Republican voters... and you're giving me a half dozen squatters in a Bronx apartment...??? What asinine nonsense. What a pathetic excuse for a response.

    Boy, you really do have nothing to justify your despicable support for your despicable party with!

  7. by Indy! on April 4, 2024 2:01 pm

    This is the same point I made earlier, Pondy. If the GOP really didn't like Trump (as some of their leaders claim) - they would get rid of him. It has already been legally established (by the Ds 🙄) that the parties do not have to listen to their constituents in any way at all. If the GOP didn't want Trump - they could simply refuse to crown him the nominee even if he wins every primary. The GOP loves Trump because - in the end (as I've been saying for years) the GOP's only REAL concern is white power. Speaking of which - nice segue to one of the other issues brought up here...

    Squatting. First off, it would be pretty hard to squat in Curt's house since he lives there. The idea is to squat in UNOCCUPIED homes. Minor point - still important. We could cover this from a logical standpoint - that it's so rare it's barely worth a discussion outside the scream theater click bait factory known as "Fox News"... that the only reason there are so many empty residences to squat in is because the banks and Wall Street had already wiped out all of American's saving and took their homes which they now have trouble selling... That the squatting law (which is a real thing) was (guaranteed) written by the banks and the wealthy so they could (again) take American's homes for themselves... and that the majority of squatters are more likely Antifa types than non-registered immigrants since that is the crowd pimping the perfectly legal idea that is on the books in (you guessed it)... America.

  8. by oldedude on April 4, 2024 2:23 pm
    From my position, You are a despicable sub human for completely shitting n the constitution every time you turn around. You don't even know enough about it to think you "might" know. You the believe cornerstones of the constitution are in buildings at disney. So for you to say that "anyone" else is a threat to the Republic is repulsive at best.

    "I'm talking about the willful, intentional, and literal destruction of this country by despicable Republican voters... and you're giving me a half dozen squatters in a Bronx apartment...??? What asinine nonsense. What a pathetic excuse for a response."
    I'll go with that. pedojoe has used the DOJ to willfully, intentionally, and literally break and manipulate the constitution and laws of the of the US against it's citizens.

    This includes the lying to the FISA courts which the FBI admits and apologized for.
    People held for charges from J6 that were NEVER given any bond amount and are still in jail awaiting trial for three years on misdoemers.
    Parents of students that were raped in schools, and the schoolboards knew of the incidents and opted "not to tell the parents."
    The list goes on and on.

  9. by Ponderer on April 4, 2024 2:53 pm

    "[Joe Biden] has used the DOJ to willfully, intentionally, and literally [to] break and manipulate the [Constitution] and laws of the [of the] US against [its] citizens." -olde dude

    I totally and flat out deny any and all of that grammatical mishmash as the delusional, preposterous, propagandist, MAGA Hatted fantasy that it is.

    None of your "examples" support any part of that babbling asininity. You got nothing, od.

    Look, just because I rather hate Biden at the moment doesn't mean that I am going to automatically support your hyperbolic, right wing fever dream lies about him.

  10. by oldedude on April 4, 2024 4:17 pm
    I totally and flat out deny any and all of that grammatical mishmash as the delusional, preposterous, propagandist, MAGA Hatted fantasy that it is.

    So you're saying none of that happened? I have posted all of those as FACT. I picked the areas very carefully. Yes, he did all those things. And admitted to them.

  11. by Ponderer on April 4, 2024 5:42 pm

    "So you're saying none of that happened?" -olde dude

    Did you see me say that in anything I posted? I was denying your quote that I quoted as being assinine bullshit.

    The things you gave as examples that you erroneously thought would support your babbling and ridiculously hyperbolic declaration absolutely didn't. None of what you posted was any evidence at all that Biden ever "has used the DOJ to willfully, intentionally, and literally break and manipulate the constitution and laws of the of the US against it's citizens," simply because they happened.

    You got nothing, od.

    And what are you MAGA Hats making any big fuss about anything Biden does for anyways? He's got "Total Presidential Immunity"! He can't be held criminally responsible or liable for literally anything he ever does as president. Your Fearless Orange Leader has already proven undeniably that such immunity exists for a president!

  12. by oldedude on April 4, 2024 8:06 pm
    The things you gave as examples that you erroneously thought would support your babbling and ridiculously hyperbolic declaration absolutely didn't.

    None of what you posted was any evidence at all that Biden ever "has used the DOJ to willfully, intentionally, and literally break and manipulate the constitution and laws of the of the US against it's citizens," simply because they happened.

    As of 02152022. There is no status change as of today. Merrick Garland is responsible for the declassification of the information. He works directly for peodojoe. Garland needs to be charged with obstruction of justice and withholding evidence.
    “We remain concerned that over one year from the date then-President Trump directed the Justice Department to declassify certain Crossfire Hurricane records the Justice Department has not only failed to declassify a single page, the Department has failed to identify for Congress records that it knows with certainty to be covered by the declassification directive.,” the senators wrote in a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland.

    The letter renews concerns raised in October about the department’s failure to disclose records related to its Russian interference investigation.

    The department’s delayed transparency has interfered with congressional investigators’ review of what should already be public records. Congressional investigators have been required to view Crossfire Hurricane documents in the department’s secured facilities, and the department has been unable to confirm which records are subject to Trump’s declassification directive.

  13. by Ponderer on April 4, 2024 11:03 pm

    "Merrick Garland is responsible for the declassification of the information. He works directly for peodojoe." -olde dude

    Yeah, no he doesn't work directly for Joe Biden. That's wrong.

    You're flailing hysterically, od. You got nothing.

  14. by HatetheSwamp on April 5, 2024 7:32 am


    This is more proof that when a person embraces the preferences and prejudices they bring with them to every moment of their lives... and never checks them,... derangement and irrationality are the inevitable result.

  15. by oldedude on April 5, 2024 8:18 am
    po- You could of at least looked it up🙄. you just made yourself "still stoopid."

    Yeah, no he doesn't work directly for Joe Biden. That's wrong.

    The United States Attorney General (AG) is the head of the United States Department of Justice and serves as the chief law enforcement officer of the federal government. In this role, the attorney general acts as the principal advisor to the president of the United States on all legal matters.

    The AG’s responsibilities include advising the president, representing the United States in litigation, and providing legal guidance to heads of federal executive departments. They play a crucial role in ensuring justice and upholding the rule of law in the country

    You're flailing hysterically, po. You got nothing. This is what I was talking about. You don't have enough pride in yourself to actually check to see if something you say is true.

    This is more proof that when a person embraces the preferences and prejudices they bring with them to every moment of their lives... and never checks them,... derangement and irrationality are the inevitable result.
    I agree. I can't remember when could actually get to the meat of a question in a day. We can't even agree of the fundamental rights of people in the US.

  16. by HatetheSwamp on April 5, 2024 8:21 am

    We can't even agree of the fundamental rights of people in the US.

    When you are a Bill of Rights denier...

  17. by oldedude on April 5, 2024 12:35 pm
    I agree. When elite prigs view "rules for thee and not for me," it pisses me off. I'm calling both sides out on this. A lot of time I get I'm not going to get someone from "FL"(or the south, colorado, etcetcetcetc) tell me something about being too "whatever." That includes this site. Which I guess is interesting, just maybe more expected.

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