Survey Says: Top It's a Wonderful Life (what character you?) results, Movies Survey
The top 16 It's a Wonderful Life (what character you?) results of 1407 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for It's a Wonderful Life (what character you?).      

#1 24.1%
Mary Hatch Bailey (Donna Reed) Finished college, worked in New York for a time. Understanding and loving wife of George. A USO volunteer during the war.
#2 20.0%
Clarence Oddbody (Henry Travers) A child-like and naive natured angel who lived in the 18th century. He shows George Bailey what life would have been like had George not existed. Jumped into an icy river to “save” George.
#3 8.0%
Sam Wainwright (Frank Albertson) An annoying boaster who greets people with an asinine “hee-haw!” He finished college, then made a fortune in plastics during the war. Travels and lives abroad.
#4 7.6%
Bert (Ward Bond) A cop. George’s good friend. He fights in World War II.
#5 7.0%
Mrs. Hatch. (Sarah Edwards) Mary’s mother, she encourages her daughter to marry the rich Sam Wainwright.
#6 6.5%
Violet Bick (Gloria Grahame) The town flirt, a coquettish, hip wiggler. Attracted to George.
#7 5.0%
George Bailey. (Jimmy Stewart) He is the champion and defender of the rights of the little man. He refused to foreclose on the mortgages of families in town. Yearns for an exotic trip aboard, yet never leaves Bedford Falls. Hopes to ''Build things. Design new buildings. Plan modern cities.'' During the war he was an air raid warden. Potter returns an insult and calls George a ''warped, frustrated young man''. When things look bleak, he drinks at Martini's. At the end of the film, Harry toasts George as "the richest man in town".
#8 4.9%
Nick (Sheldon Leonard) A bartender at Martini's, who if not for the existence of George would have been a hard-hearted, cynical barkeep.
#9 4.4%
Mr. Gower (H.B. Warner) A druggist who if not for young George’s intervention, he would have committed manslaughter as a result of an improperly filled prescription. He sells World War II bonds. Drinks to excess when under stress.
#10 3.3%
Ruth Dakin Bailey (Virginia Patton) Harry’s wife. She finished college, which is where she met Harry.
#11 2.9%
Peter Bailey (Samuel S. Hinds) George’s father who sacrificed his entire life to altruistically help depositors in his bank and his family.
#12 2.5%
Ma Bailey (Beulah Bondi) George’s sweet-natured mother actively works to romantically match George with Mary.
#13 1.6%
Mr. Potter (Lionel Barrymore) Greedy, unscrupulous, crotchety, evil tycoon. Potter wears black and sits in a wheelchair, This miserly banker demands immediate payments. His consuming goal in life is to destroy the Building and Loan. He hates the poor “rabble” who made him rich. Potter becomes head of the local WWII draft board.
#14 1.2%
Uncle Billy Bailey (Thomas Mitchell) George's lovable uncle and Peter Bailey's brother. Easily flustered and absent-minded. Drinks to excess when under stress. He sells World War II bonds.
#15 1.1%
Harry Bailey (Todd Karns) He avoided an icy, watery death and had the chance to finish college, both thanks to brother George. He became an executive in his wife’s father’s glass manufacturing firm. He traveled because of his work. A World War II hero.
#16 0.1%
Ernie (Frank Faylen) A taxi driver. George’s good friend. He fights in World War II.

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