Survey Says: Top Harry Potter Wand Lengths results, Harry Potter Survey
Harry Potter
The top 9 Harry Potter Wand Lengths results of 13346 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Harry Potter Wand Lengths.      

#1 31.4%
18” or Number 9: Mars – Fighters, active, and determined, usually succeed after a struggle but are prone to accident and injury, may be quarrelsome.
#2 14.9%
11” or Number 2: The Moon – Gentle, passive, creative, thinker, inventive, charm, intuition. Can lack self-confidence and be changeable – even deceitful – as well as over-sensitive and depressive. Gets along with opposites. (This wand would work well as a balance between good and evil.)
#3 13.5%
13” or Number 4: Uranus – Steady, practical, great endurance, seldom interested in material things, often see things from the opposite point of view which makes you rebellious and unconventional. Making friends is hard leading to a feeling of isolation. (This wand would be good at the Dark Arts.)
#4 11.5%
17” or Number 8: Saturn – Incorporates the rebellious contradictions of 4 symbolized by will power and individuality. May mean sorrow yet is also associated with worldly success. These people have deep and intense feelings even though they may appear cold and are often misunderstood by others.
#5 10.2%
16” or Number 7: Neptune – Original thinkers, philosophical and spiritual, not usually interested in material things, may be highly intuitive, even psychic, often have a restless love of travel and the sea. However they have the tendency to become introverted and may exert an influence on others.
#6 8.4%
10” or Number 1: The Sun - Strength, individuality, creativity, born leader, ambitious, active, often aggressive, innovator, winner, sometimes tyrant. Can be self-centered, ruthless and stubborn. You put most of your energy into your career rather then relationships.
#7 5.1%
12” or Number 3: Jupiter – Energetic, disciplined, talented, conscientious, proud, and independent, loves to be in control, may be too found of telling others what to do. Number 3 is the symbol of Trinity and a superficial show may hide considerable spirituality. (This wand would be powerful in all areas.)
#8 4.5%
15” or Number 6: Venus – Love of family and domesticity, reliable, trustworthy, romantic, great love of beauty, usually attractive, dislike discord. May be obstinate.
#9 0.5%
14” or Number 5: Mercury – Lively, sensual, pleasure-seeking, impulsive, quick-thinking, good at making money, especially by risk or speculation, bounce back easily from failure. On the other hand, quick-tempered, high strung, may have trouble with nerves.

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