Survey Says: Top Which Gashlycrumb Tiny Death is yours? results, Horror Survey
The top 25 Which Gashlycrumb Tiny Death is yours? results of 3334 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Gashlycrumb Tiny Death is yours?.      

#1 35.6%
BASIL assaulted by bears
#2 13.0%
KATE who was struck by an axe
#3 8.6%
WINNIE embedded in ice
#4 6.4%
ERNEST who choked on a peach
#5 6.0%
AMY who fell down the stairs
#6 4.6%
DESMOND thrown out of a sleigh
#7 3.9%
CLARA who wasted away
#8 3.7%
MAUDE who was swept out to sea
#9 3.6%
FANNY sucked dry by a leech
#10 2.8%
RHODA consumed by a fire
#11 2.4%
NEVILLE who died of ennui
#12 2.1%
TITUS who flew into bits
#13 1.9%
ZILLAH who drank too much gin
#14 1.8%
HECTOR done in by a thug
#15 0.8%
OLIVE run through with an awl
#16 0.7%
PRUE trampled flat in a brawl
#17 0.4%
YORRICK whose head was knocked in
#18 0.4%
JAMES who took lye by mistake
#19 0.3%
GEORGE smothered under a rug
#20 0.3%
QUENTIN who sank in the mire
#21 0.3%
XERXES devoured by mice
#22 0.2%
VICTOR squashed by a train
#23 0.1%
Leo who swallowed some tacks
#24 0.1%
SUSAN who perished of fits
#25 0.0%
UNA who slipped down a drain

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