Survey Says: Top What is the type of person would you fall in love with? results, Love Survey
The top 5 What is the type of person would you fall in love with? results of 949 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What is the type of person would you fall in love with?.      

#1 97.5%
You will fall in love with a loud party person who wants to take it all the way on the first date.
#2 2.1%
You will fall in love with a shy, quiet person who won't rush your relationship.
#3 0.4%
You will fall in love with the perfect person.
#4 0.0%
You will fall in love with a retarded type of person who won't ever pay attention, just themselves.( you'd be good together)
#5 0.0%
You will fall in love with a smart, valley type of person most likely from California.

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