Survey Says: Top Red friction personality quiz results, Anime Survey
The top 10 Red friction personality quiz results of 42 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Red friction personality quiz.      

#1 47.6%
Miguel Damion- Your the Hero and the most wanted of the team. The enemy would give anything to ensure your death. You don't really like coffie. You are loyal to what you think is the right thing to do. Overall your a nice person and don't mind working in a team.
#2 14.3%
Kyle- You can't hide it your the clown you love to cheer other people up...unless its someone you hate. But your picked on by so many people it not funny to you.
#3 9.5%
Nickalo Kamon- The reble you don't play by anyones rules and you don't much care for your health and you could care less about other people. You may be called cold blooded sometimes but you don't care about that either.
#4 7.1%
Alex Rickardo- You do what the boss tells you and the hero is really a thorn in your side. Since there was a loss of other members you have been put on the spot lately.
#5 7.1%
Katie Gellespy- Your nice and cheerful and have a crush on a certain someone but you perfer not to say.
#6 4.8%
Domino- Your kind of like Zell in a more jumpy way. Your smart but use your brains differntly. There nothing you love more then to blow things up.
#7 4.8%
Rio- Ok so your a bit pushy but no one really cares. Your fearless and brave and big on respect. If someone dose something you don't like you wont hesitate to slap them.
#8 2.4%
Flameberg- Your the parten to Knight and Domino. You like to aid other people. You are known for your eating happits that include such things as suger glased pork.
#9 2.4%
Zell Endonero- Your smart. Everyone looks to you for ideas and you allways seem to say the right thing...Unless your trying to pick someone up.
#10 0.0%
Knight Iricka- Your the bully of the team mostly picking on one person in particular. You also have a buddy that helps you pick on that one person.

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