Survey Says: Top Liberty, Equality, Order--which do you support most? results, Politics Survey
The top 8 Liberty, Equality, Order--which do you support most? results of 335 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Liberty, Equality, Order--which do you support most?.      

#1 32.5%
Radical: Egalitarian and libertarian, people in this category range from moderate liberal egalitarians to libertarian and democratic socialists.
#2 14.9%
Liberal-Conservative: Conservative and libertarian, people in this category tend to believe that order and traditional authority is best served by a small, unintrusive government.
#3 14.9%
Pro-everything: Supports Liberty, Equality, and Order roughly equally, to a great extent..
#4 9.3%
Communitarian: Conservative and egalitarian, these people put prime value in a paternalistic society which cares for all its members and treats them as equals, but includes an important role for order, tradition, and authority.
#5 9.3%
Liberal: These people tend to be libertarian, but staunchly against ideas of social justice and traditional authority which they feel stifle freedom.
#6 8.1%
Conservative: Traditional conservatives, as the ones in this category, believe that libertarian individualism and social egalitarianism serve to do little but erode traditional institutions of order and authority.
#7 6.9%
Moderate: Not particularly libertarian, egalitarian, or conservative; these people tend to believe in compromise as a value.
#8 4.2%
Socialist: Egalitarian, but not particularly libertarian or conservative, people here believe in a strong state to enforce social justice and equality, even at the expense of social order and freedom.

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