Survey Says: Top What Type of Third Wattsie Are You? results, Friends & Roommates Survey
Friends & Roommates
The top 6 What Type of Third Wattsie Are You? results of 40 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What Type of Third Wattsie Are You?.      

#1 50.0%
You're a studious Third Wattsie! You're just like Christina or Lauren, you are so smart!
#2 27.5%
*wink* You are a mischievous Third Wattsie just like Page and Casie. You bad girl you.
#3 10.0%
You are a unique Third don't really fit into another category, but that's just because you are so different and cool! You're just like the rock!
#4 5.0%
You are an artsy Third Wattsie like Hanley, Paige,and have major talent!
#5 5.0%
You're a popular Third Wattsie like Janelle and Sarah Bogue...everyone knows you and love you...go you!
#6 0.0%
You are an athletic Third Wattsie like Erin M. and Michaela! You can kick major ass!

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