Survey Says: Top What Titanic Thing Are You? results, Movies Survey
The top 6 What Titanic Thing Are You? results of 32 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What Titanic Thing Are You?.      

#1 68.8%
Lifeboat- you are dependable and helpful, but people use you and forget about you when things are good.
#2 28.1%
Ocean- you are relaxing and your beauty is amazing. Consider being a therapist.
#3 3.1%
Ice berg- you are a cold, mean phony who has a knack for ruining someones life.
#4 0.0%
Carpathia- You are a lifesaver! People consider you amazing and are quite thankful for you at times!
#5 0.0%
Dinner Party- you are a stuck up, fancy snob, and quite boring.
#6 0.0%
Steerage Party- Party animal! You are loads of fun and the life of the party!Heck, you ARE the party!!

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