Survey Says: Top Should I Tell People I Am Wiccan? results, Religion Survey
The top 4 Should I Tell People I Am Wiccan? results of 221 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Should I Tell People I Am Wiccan?.      

#1 87.3%
Yes! You are ready to tell people about your religious choice.
#2 5.4%
It is not quite time to tell people about your religion. Make sure that you are ready to make a commitment to the Wiccan religion
#3 4.5%
You are not ready to come out of the broom closet. Study Wicca some more and decide if it is the correct religion for you.
#4 0.9%
You are almost ready to tell people you are Wiccan. Make sure your a comfotable talking about and defending your religious beliefs.

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