Survey Says: Top Taxi Character Quiz results, Television Survey
The top 13 Taxi Character Quiz results of 247 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Taxi Character Quiz.      

#1 22.7%
Alex - level headed advice giving cabbie
#2 11.7%
John Burns - cute naive student-cabbie
#3 11.3%
Louie De Palma - short devil dispatcher
#4 11.3%
Tony - dark handsome boxer-cabbie
#5 9.3%
Angela Matusa - grumpy lady with a weight problem
#6 7.3%
Elaine Nardo - lovely red haired art-lover cabbie
#7 7.3%
Zena - Louie's Lonely Lady
#8 6.1%
Bobby - blonde handsome actor-cabbie
#9 4.0%
Simka - strange big haired girl with an accent
#10 2.8%
Latka - crazy weird mechanic with an accent
#11 2.4%
Jeff - slim assistant stuck in the cage with Louie
#12 2.4%
Rev. Jim - burned out ex-hippie cabbie
#13 1.2%
This is not an answer, I have taken some liberties with the scoring to give each character a chance

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