Survey Says: Top Which Munch's Oddysee Character are YOU? results, Role Playing Games Survey
Role Playing Games
The top 5 Which Munch's Oddysee Character are YOU? results of 102 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Munch's Oddysee Character are YOU?.      

#1 45.1%
Abe. Man, are you stressed. It must be hard having all the Mudokons dependin on you. It must be.....well.....stressful.You can be easily annoyed by the wise-cracking Gabbit that you are partners with, and you can get into serious fighting for this reason. But nobody's been killed by this fighting...yet. Get some relaxation, dude.
#2 38.2%
Munch. Last of the Gabbits. Your emotions easily take advantage of your moods. You can be EXTREMELY smart-aleky at times, but also just plain dumb. You never talk much and are always working forward to whats best for you, the good guys. Go you!
#3 9.8%
Humphrey. You only care about money and wealth and usually have somebody else rake it in for you. You are a thick-skulled numbskull mad scientist who needs to be put in a loony bin. Stay away from me.
#4 3.9%
Lulu. You're a lazy and decompent pitiful excuse for a Glukkon. Being a poor excuse for a being, you are as lame as a cat that can't purr. You probably have the idea of suicide going through your mind at all times. Poor, suicidal you....
#5 2.9%
Irwin. You are easily irritated. Especially by a certain Mudokon and Gabbit. You need to be put in a loony bin, too. You are pretty much a psych maniac mad scientist with a love for moolah. Get away from me.

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