Survey Says: Top A Really Intellectual Sorting Hat Quiz! results, Harry Potter Survey
Harry Potter
The top 4 A Really Intellectual Sorting Hat Quiz! results of 20245 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for A Really Intellectual Sorting Hat Quiz!.      

#1 38.0%
You are a Gryffindor! Brave, proud and given to bending (even breaking) the rules when you have to, you are the model hero. If somebody is on the front page, there’s a good chance it’s going to be a Gryffindor, because boy are you proud of saving the world (again)! However, you do have a distressing habit of treating million-to-one chances as being utter certainties, and are way too sentimental for the good of the world at large.
#2 32.4%
You are a Hufflepuff! Quiet, diligent and strongly moral, Hufflepuffs are middle-class to a fault. Admittedly you probably aren’t too strong at the mental side of things, but that’s not what you do. Okay, so you aren’t the most progressive type, but that’s not really required of you. You may be given to sticking to the old ways of doing things no matter what, but if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! And while you don’t get on the front pages, without people like you society would have fallen apart long ago. You do the jobs that need doing again and again. At least you’re persistent.
#3 21.0%
You are a Ravenclaw! Smart but slightly introverted, brains count first for you. Taking stupid chances, not bothering to think things through and breaking rules will not win you any friends in Ravenclaw (not that you do those things anyway). Making judgements without intellectual justification is not really your style, but your mind prompts you towards a more liberal attitude to things. Being known is nice, but knowing things is better.
#4 8.6%
You are a Slytherin! Yeah, so everybody says you’re evil. They’re just bigots. Your only fault is not putting others first, and not going by everyone else’s definitions of right and wrong. You deal with the situation at hand, know your talents, and know the value of human life (which, incidentally, is not as high as everybody says). There will always be prejudice against the man who can be cool under pressure, and who can be right at every opportunity. Pragmatic, slightly cynical and more intelligent than everybody gives you credit for, God help those who underestimate you.

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