Survey Says: Top What Rhapsody Character are you? results, Metaphysical Survey
The top 7 What Rhapsody Character are you? results of 42 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What Rhapsody Character are you?.      

#1 57.1%
Ashe-the introverted, feels-sorry-for-himself hero, has an attachment to the element of water
#2 16.7%
Rhapsody-the heroine. A music loving, beautiful, multi-talented woman who has low-self-esteem. Has an attachemnt to both fire and ether
#3 11.9%
Jo-a street girl in love with Ashe,has a bad attitude
#4 9.5%
Achmed-a bad-tempered assasin, friend to Rhpasody and Grunthor, has an attachment to the element of air
#5 4.8%
Stephen- a friend of everybody, a duke who cares tremendously about his people
#6 0.0%
F'dor-the most evil creature on the planet, want's to destroy earth, is a fire-based element
#7 0.0%
Grunthor-the good natured giant, has an attachment to the element of earth

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