Survey Says: Top What would You be in The Marvel Universe? results, Comics Survey
The top 11 What would You be in The Marvel Universe? results of 100 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What would You be in The Marvel Universe?.      

#1 21.0%
Good, Curious Alien👽
#2 16.0%
Good Human
#3 12.0%
A Greek God
#4 11.0%
Invading, Destructive Alien👾
#5 10.0%
#6 8.0%
Heroic Mutant (Possibly an X-Men)o
#7 8.0%
Villain Meta-Human
#8 6.0%
Evil Mutant (Possibly part of the Brotherhood)
#9 5.0%
Evil Human
#10 2.0%
Hero / Heroine Meta-Human
#11 1.0%

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