Anime Poll: Which Vampire Hunter D Character are You? Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Anime Poll: Which Vampire Hunter D Character are You? Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
AnimeAnime Poll: Which Vampire Hunter D Character are You?
Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "Which Vampire Hunter D Character are You?" by Atressa.

Choose from this list:

Borgoff - Bloodlust:: Leader of the Markus Brothers, he's kind but tough.

Kyle - Bloodlust: Markus Brother, an apparent skirt-chaser who likes to live wild.

Nolt - Bloodlust: Markus Brother, he's the brawn of the group as wee as a very nice person, save to vampires...

Grove - Bloodlust: A Markus brother who uses some sort of drug to induce an out-of-body experience in which his aura kills the undead. He is physically weak but emotionally strong and willing to sacrifice himself for those he loves.

Leila - Bloodlust: The Markus sister, she is strong and determined to get revenge on vampires, the killers of her parents. She stil has an emotional side which through her encounter with D, is freed.

D - Original and Bloodlust: The main character, he is a strong, intelligent, and stoic loner and a dunpeal (half vampirehalf human). Although he works for money, it doesn't stop him from acting on his human kindess.

Hand - Original and Bloodlust: Perhaps the most intriguing character, he is face that lives in D's left hand, and offers comedic interludes as well as good advice. Best of all, he can suck away the souls of enemies once they are weakened physically by D. He also can ressurect D if he is 'killed'.

Machira - Bloodlust: A dusky werewolf, Machira is very strong, a formidable foe, and usually honorable.

Caroline: Bloodlust: A wood nymph of sorts, Caroline is a very sexy assasin who by using her long hair as a whip, garrotte, or even turning it into giant thorns, can dispatch her enemies. She is also very hard to kill, and due to camoflauging abilities, to find as well.

Benge - Bloodlust: An acrobatic illusionist and utter lunatic, Benge is extremely dangerous and has fun being so. He is able to travel unseen in the shadows and weave them around his enemies in a trap, or slice them to bits.

Carmilla, the bloody countess - Bloodlust: Although nothing more than an evil spirit, this strong-willed woman manages to almost succeed in her ressurection, and confuses her enemies with powerful illusions while she does so. She is also the last noble to own a rocket ship.

The Barbarois King - Bloodlust: A kinky little dude on a unicycle, he tries to imepede the vampire hunters' journeys, and hit on D.

Charlotte - Bloodlust: Beautiful, innocent and pure, she thinks only for her true love, and is the prize for which the vampire hunters' search.

Meier Link - Bloodlust: His calmness betraying his passion, he would die to protect the one he loves. His only wish is to find a place where they might live in peace, and he will do whatever is necessary to reach that goal.

Doris - Original: Brave but a bit naieve, Doris is trying to take on the role of mother, housekeeper, rancher, and werewolf hunter. She will do pretty much anything to protect her brother, unless it involves Greco.

Dan - Original: Doris's little brother, he is courageous and responsible for his age, though still naieve and often a bit foolish in his actions. He will do almost anything for his sister.

Count Magnus Lee - Original: Powerful and learned in magic, he has a taste for young womens' blood and bodies. He uses those around him for his own amusement, and views himself as indestructable, which is very nearly true.

Ramika Lee - Original: Obsessed with her bloodline, Ramika is totally against any pollutions to it, whether it be Reiginsei or Doris. Strong-willed and cold, she never-the-less has some human emotions that stay her hand from killing her 'enemies' more than once.

Reiginsei - Original: A punk with the ability to manipulate space, Reiginsei wants to become a noble and so works under Magnus Lee for that chance. A great fighter, he has a sharp tongue and hot temper.

The Witch - Original: Able to summon a wolf eidolon, dissolve castle walls, and turn into a monster, this hunched old woman is a worthy adversary.

The Midwich Sisters - Original: Though they first seem beautiful women, they are realy soul-sucking snakes in disguise. The unwary traveler who falls into their dungeon lair will quickly become their next meal.

Greco - Original: The mayor's vain, skirtchasing son, he uses his money to get the girls he wants. The only one who'll refuse him is Doris. To win her at least for a night, Greco is willing to try almost anything, no matter how low.

The Doctor - Original: He thinks of Doris and Dan as his own children, and tries to help them in every way that he can. He is kind, knowledgeable, but human.

The Horse Seller - Bloodlust: Saved by D years ago, this man has never forgotten, and is determined to apologize for the evil treatment his saviour recieved upon his return.


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