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The Government teaching kids to LIE to their parents. SERIOUSLY?
By oldedude
June 5, 2023 9:20 pm
Category: Religion

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So just to start out this party. This is what's happening. YOUR government is training adults to teach youth how to lie to their parents.

ONLY those with the responsibility of raising children need to answer.

As part of its monthlong focus on adolescent health, the Biden administration is promoting a document that tells Planned Parenthood and other taxpayer-funded family planning offices how to talk to minors about sex without their parents overhearing, and how to secretly deliver birth control to adolescents without parental knowledge or consent.

Federally funded guidelines instruct adults to pause before discussing sex with minors and to ask, “Are you alone in the room?” These instructions specify tactics to follow “if you’re really having a hard time getting a parent” to leave the room during the sex talk. They suggest children as young as 13 discuss sex with groups like Planned Parenthood in a parked car or communicate in writing, so their parents cannot hear the adults’ side of the conversation.

And they encourage offices to have vans roam neighborhoods, giving minors federally funded contraceptives; to mail birth control to adolescents in “plain, unmarked packaging”; and/or to have teenagers receive contraceptives at public meet-up places.

A federal grant recipient admitted the cloak-and-dagger sex discussion is necessary because “parents might not agree with some of the things that we’re talking about.”

The emphasis on shutting out adults comes as the Biden administration and 24 states are fighting against a lawsuit to recognize parents’ right to know if the government is enabling underage sexual activity by giving teens birth control.

Biden Admin: ‘It Takes a Village’ to Teach Teens About Sex
The Biden administration revealed that it aimed to “expand sexual and reproductive health information and services” for teens during National Adolescent Health Month, which runs during the month of May. The announcement made it clear government-funded strangers would take a leading role in forming teens’ views of sexuality.

“The adage ‘It takes a village’ has been proven time and again,” said Jessica Marcella, deputy assistant secretary for population affairs and director of the Office of Adolescent Health, in the official press release. “[T]his year,” the Biden administration is “amplifying the important role of youth-serving professionals and other caring adults in their interactions with young people.”

The Biden administration’s official Resources for National Adolescent Health Month™ 2023 links to a document titled “Providing Family Planning Services to Adolescents During Uncertain Times,” produced by the Reproductive Health National Training Center, a group that trains Title X providers at taxpayers’ expense.

I really want those taking care of pre-adolescents to answer this.

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Comments on "The Government teaching kids to LIE to their parents. SERIOUSLY?":

  1. by oldedude on June 5, 2023 9:37 pm
    So everyone agrees with me! How joyful!

  2. by Curt_Anderson on June 5, 2023 9:56 pm
    We all know that you are repeating some unsourced BS you found on some wingnut somewhere. Show us the government web page that teaches kids to lie to their parents.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on June 6, 2023 6:41 am

    "We have just been informed by a parent in the district that @SmithfieldSchls in #RhodeIsland has a policy that states the schools do not have to inform parents if their children want to transition, and are doing so behind their backs.

    On June 17th the parents of the district will be fighting this policy. They have our full support. It should be criminal to keep this information from parents. We can only imagine the conversations these teachers (activists) are having with these students to "affirm" their believed gender identity." From GAG

  4. by Donna on June 6, 2023 9:11 am

    As part of its monthlong focus on adolescent health, the Biden administration is promoting a document that tells Planned Parenthood and other taxpayer-funded family planning offices how to talk to minors about sex without their parents overhearing, and how to secretly deliver birth control to adolescents without parental knowledge or consent...

    The Biden administration’s official Resources for National Adolescent Health Month™ 2023 links to a document titled “Providing Family Planning Services to Adolescents During Uncertain Times,” produced by the Reproductive Health National Training Center, a group that trains Title X providers at taxpayers’ expense.

    I provided the link to the document in question.

    From that document:

    Providers of family planning services should offer confidential services to adolescents and observe all relevant state laws and any legal obligations, such as notification or reporting of child abuse, child molestation, sexual abuse, rape, or incest, as well as human trafficking (58,59). Confidentiality is critical for adolescents and can greatly influence their willingness to access and use services (60–67). As a result, multiple professional medical associations have emphasized the importance of providing confidential services to adolescents (68–70).

    Providers should encourage and promote communication between the adolescent and his or her parent(s) or guardian(s) about sexual and reproductive health (71–86). Adolescents who come to the service site alone should be encouraged to talk to their parents or guardians. Educational materials and programs can be provided to parents or guardians that help them talk about sex and share their values with their child (72,87). When both parent or guardian and child have agreed, joint discussions can address family values and expectations about dating, relationships, and sexual behavior.

    I haven't read the entire document, but from the part I posted above, I doubt that there's anything nefarious in it. If I'm wrong about that, I'm open to counter-arguments.

  5. by HatetheSwamp on June 6, 2023 10:41 am

    Yeah. I told isle a week or so ago that the most dangerous manifestation of Big Brother these days ain't Biden's Banana Republic, as vile as it is, it's the local public school...and local public school teachers.

    That three headed monster?, those mommies and daddies and nannas and pappaps?, it's because of public school Big Brother-ism, that they're so powerful a force in America today.

  6. by oldedude on June 6, 2023 11:53 am
    curt- We all know that you are repeating some unsourced BS you found on some wingnut somewhere. Show us the government web page that teaches kids to lie to their parents.

    You are correct. I forgot to source it. I know you'll never take any apology I make as sincere, so there it is.

    Donna- the fact they are doing this behind parents backs is the issue. AND they are teaching the kids that lying to their parents is a good thing. I crash the family car, so I lie to my parents about it. I find dad's gun, and accidently shoot my brother, it's okay to lie to the police about it. It's okay to cheat on tests, it's good to lie in your job, it's good to cheat on your spouse and lie about it.

    As my sons were growing up we didn't have talks about the physical stuff they learned in "Health" class." And we did talk about safe sex and don't ever, ever force yourself on a woman. Ever. Those sorts of things. My guess is their mom kept them supplied with condoms. If you're a parent in the 2000's, it's a matter of course.

    Biden Admin Tells Adults How to Discuss Sex With Teens Behind Parents’ Backs

    As part of its monthlong focus on adolescent health, the Biden administration is promoting a document that tells Planned Parenthood and other taxpayer-funded family planning offices how to talk to minors about sex without their parents overhearing, and how to secretly deliver birth control to adolescents without parental knowledge or consent.

    Federally funded guidelines instruct adults to pause before discussing sex with minors and to ask, “Are you alone in the room?” These instructions specify tactics to follow “if you’re really having a hard time getting a parent” to leave the room during the sex talk. They suggest children as young as 13 discuss sex with groups like Planned Parenthood in a parked car or communicate in writing, so their parents cannot hear the adults’ side of the conversation.

    And they encourage offices to have vans roam neighborhoods, giving minors federally funded contraceptives; to mail birth control to adolescents in “plain, unmarked packaging”; and/or to have teenagers receive contraceptives at public meet-up places.

    A federal grant recipient admitted the cloak-and-dagger sex discussion is necessary because “parents might not agree with some of the things that we’re talking about.”

    The emphasis on shutting out adults comes as the Biden administration and 24 states are fighting against a lawsuit to recognize parents’ right to know if the government is enabling underage sexual activity by giving teens birth control.

  7. by Curt_Anderson on June 6, 2023 12:08 pm
    I still call bull sh!t. The Daily Signal is a publication of the very conservative Heritage Foundation. Nowhere does the article link to or even quote a government page that teaches kids to lie to their parents.

    In one of the links they do provide, it says the opposite with this headline: "Better information and improved access to services will help adolescents—with the support of their parents and caregivers—make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health and well-being."

  8. by Donna on June 6, 2023 4:44 pm

    Donna- the fact they are doing this behind parents backs is the issue. And they are teaching the kids that lying to their parents is a good thing. - od

    No, they're just trying to protect minors in situations where coming out to their parent(s) or guardian(s) could put them in danger.

  9. by Curt_Anderson on June 6, 2023 5:07 pm
    There is a difference between lying and respecting confidentiality. 30% of child sexual abusers are family members, with fathers prominent on that list. Mothers' stepfathers and boyfriends are also frequent abusers.

    Children should be able to discuss their abuse without fear of it being reported back to the perpetrator(s).

  10. by HatetheSwamp on June 6, 2023 5:29 pm

    No, they're just trying to protect minors in situations where coming out to their parent(s) or guardian(s) could put them in danger.

    I seriously doubt that but splain how that's their prerogative.

  11. by Curt_Anderson on June 6, 2023 5:52 pm
    HtS, The prerogative can be found in the 14th Amendment. I know you think the unborn have constitutional protections, so certainly children do. If a law were passed that demanded teachers and counselors report what children said in presumed confidence, that would abridge the privileges or immunities of the child. There are other mentions or references to security (and liberty) issues in the US Constitution.

    Amendment XIV
    Section 1.
    All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

  12. by oldedude on June 6, 2023 9:30 pm
    SCOTUS has maintained that those under the legal age of adulthood are basically wards of the parents. Therefore the parents are responsible for the childrens actions and their well beings. That's what the law says.

  13. by oldedude on June 6, 2023 9:40 pm
    There is a difference between lying and respecting confidentiality. 30% of child sexual abusers are family members, with fathers prominent on that list. Mothers' stepfathers and boyfriends are also frequent abusers.
    And in the vast majority of those cases, and those of every pedophile, the child is told to lie to their parents. pedojoe knows this.

    Oh. Mothers are a very low percentage, unless they're step mothers. I'm speaking mostly of sexual abuse because I worked with meth heads. You know that crime that you don't think has any victims? IF mom is an abuser, she is linked in to some drug. Period. And especially meth. The victims are the children. If they aren't hooked on meth, they go directly to heroin. The difference is that heroin (fentanyl) gives them the feeling of being loved. That's what they need after being abused for so long.

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