Survey Says: Top What kind of Smark are you? results, Television Survey
The top 5 What kind of Smark are you? results of 114 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What kind of Smark are you?.      

#1 48.2%
Smark: You're probably an ECW fan
#2 22.8%
The Ultimate Net Smark: I base my opinions on those of the perceived "online majority"
#3 17.5%
A fan. You are able to make your own decisions clearly and properly without any outside influence
#4 11.4%
Almost A Smark: You do some dabbling on the 'net but are still able to enjoy the product.
#5 0.0%
Smarky Smark: you gather most of your opinons from others on the net, including message boards and columnists.

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