Survey Says: Top What type of political leader would you make? results, Politics Survey
The top 10 What type of political leader would you make? results of 2150 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What type of political leader would you make?.      

#1 28.8%
Idealistic Communist
#2 24.0%
Idealistic Capitalist Democratic
#3 17.4%
Cloak and Dagger
#4 13.3%
Revolutionary Gurellia
#5 5.0%
Fascist Nationalist
#6 3.7%
Religous Fanatic
#7 2.3%
Pragmatic Authoritarian
#8 2.2%
Pragmatic Democratic
#9 1.8%
Imperialist Authoritarian
#10 1.5%

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