Survey Says: Top Sometimes you feel that you're not 100% human... Find it out! results, Metaphysical Survey
The top 7 Sometimes you feel that you're not 100% human... Find it out! results of 5521 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Sometimes you feel that you're not 100% human... Find it out!.      

#1 31.4%
Geez... I'm a ZOMBIE
#2 29.1%
Roar... I'm a WEREWOLF
#3 17.4%
Ew... I'm a NYMPH
#4 10.4%
Mmm... I'm a WAMPIRE
#5 7.0%
Phew... I'm a NORMAL HUMAN
#6 2.6%
Ow... I'm a DWARF
#7 2.1%
Oh... I'm an ELF

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