Survey Says: Top Best Anime Bishonen Selector results, Anime Survey
The top 25 Best Anime Bishonen Selector results of 277 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Best Anime Bishonen Selector.      

#1 22.4%
Mamoru from "BSSM"
#2 13.7%
Xelloss from "The Slayers"
#3 12.6%
Yukito/Yue from "Card Captor Sakura"
#4 10.8%
Akio from "Shoujo Kakumei Utena"
#5 7.9%
Hotohori from "Fushigi Yuugi"
#6 6.5%
Chichiri from "Fushigi Yuugi"
#7 5.4%
Tamahome from "Fushigi Yuugi"
#8 3.6%
Setsuna from "Angel Sanctuary"
#9 2.9%
Zagato from "Magic Knight Rayearth"
#10 2.2%
Touya from "Card Captor Sakura"
#11 1.8%
Goku from "Dragon Ball Z"
#12 1.8%
James from "Pokemon"
#13 1.4%
Quatre from "Gundam Wing"
#14 1.1%
Gohan from "Dragon Ball Z"
#15 1.1%
Tenchi from "Tenchi Muyo"
#16 0.7%
David from "Tekkaman Blade 2"
#17 0.7%
Heero from "Gundam Wing"
#18 0.7%
Kenshin from "Rurouni Kenshin"
#19 0.7%
Touga from "Shoujo Kakumei Utena"
#20 0.7%
Vegeta from "Dragon Ball Z"
#21 0.7%
Zelgadiss from "The Slayers"
#22 0.4%
Inu Yasha from "Inu Yasha"
#23 0.0%
Gourry from "The Slayers"
#24 0.0%
Kain from "Lost Universe"
#25 0.0%
Spike from "Cowboy Bebop"

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