Survey Says: Top What's your Political Philosophy? results, Politics Survey
The top 9 What's your Political Philosophy? results of 1744 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What's your Political Philosophy?.      

#1 31.2%
American Left-wing Liberal (Clinton)
#2 22.0%
Social Democrat (Gandhi)
#3 11.7%
Anarchist (Proudhon, Baukunin)
#4 10.6%
Right-wing Conservative (Bush)
#5 8.8%
#6 6.3%
Right-wing Fascist (Hitler)
#7 5.7%
Left-wing Fascism (Lenin, Stalin)
#8 2.3%
Marxist (Marx)
#9 1.5%
Right-wing Neoliberal (Thatcher)

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