Survey Says: Top Jackie Chan Adventures Demon Selector results, Television Survey
The top 8 Jackie Chan Adventures Demon Selector results of 623 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Jackie Chan Adventures Demon Selector.      

#1 26.5%
Bai Tsa- Sneaky, cunning, and enjoys swimming
#2 19.9%
Tso Lan- Calm, wise, and slightly auristocratic
#3 14.4%
Tchang Zu- Loud, arrogant, bossy, and disliked
#4 13.0%
Shendu- Cunning, cowardly, and overflowing with schemes
#5 8.5%
Hsi Wu- Extremely cowardly, tempermental, and loves flying
#6 8.2%
Xiao Fung- Civilized but very excitable, never calm
#7 5.5%
Dai Gui- Brutal, dirty, and tempermental
#8 4.0%
Po Kong- Huge and gluttonous

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