Survey Says: Top Which famous TV or movie womanizer are you? results, Television Survey
The top 25 Which famous TV or movie womanizer are you? results of 107 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which famous TV or movie womanizer are you?.      

#1 15.9%
The Fonz / Arthur Fonzarelli
#2 13.1%
Barney Stinson
#3 12.1%
Alfie Elkins
#4 9.3%
Don Juan deMarco
#5 9.3%
Jerry Seinfeld
#6 7.5%
Captain James T. Kirk
#7 4.7%
Dan Fielding
#8 3.7%
Glenn Quagmire
#9 3.7%
Hank Moody
#10 3.7%
Jack Jericho
#11 2.8%
Count Dracula
#12 2.8%
James Bond
#13 1.9%
Nick Marshall
#14 1.9%
Trent Walker
#15 1.9%
William Smith
#16 0.9%
Chazz Reinhold
#17 0.9%
Eric "Otter" Stratton
#18 0.9%
Jack from "Sideways"
#19 0.9%
Joey Tribbiani
#20 0.9%
Rhett Butler
#21 0.9%
Sam Malone
#22 0.0%
Austin Powers
#23 0.0%
Charlie Harper
#24 0.0%
Don Draper
#25 0.0%
Frank T.J. Mackey

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