Survey Says: Top Which Mystical Ninja :Starring Goemon character are you? results, Games & Toys Survey
Games & Toys
The top 7 Which Mystical Ninja :Starring Goemon character are you? results of 90 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Mystical Ninja :Starring Goemon character are you?.      

#1 57.8%
You are Goemon! You love going on adventures, and care much about your friends, even if they do get you kicked out of a store...
#2 13.3%
You are Ebisumaru! You believe you are so handsome that no one can match your beauty, and you think everybody appreciates that.
#3 13.3%
You are Impact! Being a giant robot ain't half bad, but having to save the world AND make movies at the same time is hard work! Be happy you have a two track mind.
#4 6.7%
You are Spring Breeze Dancin'! All you care about is yourself, and your talent of dancing. You also want to change the world into a stage so you can show off your dancing abilities, but ladies love you anyways.
#5 5.6%
You are Sasuke! You are mechanical, but that doesn't change the fact you care about your friends! You also have many abilities than not many have.
#6 3.3%
You are Yae! You have many talents, such as being able to turn into a mermaid. Instead of bragging about them though, you use them to help out your friends.Someone probably has a little crush on you, also.
#7 0.0%
You are, Kitty Lily! You only care about yourself, and your dancing moves, and how you look to others. But that doesn't keep people from liking your dancing! ;-)

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